We have been blown away the past few weeks by the support and love from all of our followers! Since we have so many new people aboard the Shingleur Photog Train, we thought it would be good to make a quick little blog post about who we are! We are Shingleur Photography - Lifestyle Photogrpahers! We focus mostly on Weddings and the majority of our work is Wedding focused, but we also shoot families, and seniors too! Welcome aboard!
Most of our work is behind the scenes and we understand it is important for our clients to know who we are! Who wants to hire a photographer that's a recluse and never shows their face?! NOT ME!
Well, first things first, I'm Lance! I'm 24! This crazy photography ride started about 3 years ago when a family friend wanted to use Kathryn and I as their wedding photographers. That's a wild story in itself!
I worked at Cathy's Flowers in Russellville for 5 years and became full-time photographer almost a year ago. Since working at the flower shop, I won several florist competitions including Arkansas Cup. I am currently Arkansas' Designer of the Year! It has been such a fun experience! I will represent the State of Arkansas this year and compete in Mid-America Cup... as if I'm not already busy enough lets add some friendly competitions, right?!
Here are song florals I did for a shoot we were at just yesterday:
Gorgeous, right? I'm thinking that dried flowers are the new black. Anyone with me?!
We have a dog, Holeigh, and a cat, Penelope. They are best friends and we consider them our children! We do not have any 'human' children yet, but plan to have a cute little family one day! We are taking this stage in our life as a chance to travel and see things that we won't be able to go see when we have little Shingleur babies running around! Plus we can be as busy as we want and it doesn't really interfere with family life! Being mostly Wedding Photographers is much more time consuming than, I think, people actually realize!
My wife Kathryn is my right-hand, ride or die, go-to lady! She just had a birthday and turned the big 25! You can check out her birthday here. There would be NO WAY I could ever run this crazy production successfully without her! She's the wheels behind the madness! She is a 5th Grade teacher here in Russellville and loves her kiddo's like they are our own! She's smart and knows what looks good. She goes to almost every single photoshoot with me and has an incredible eye for detail. She can work a camera like none other!
(Ignore the professional selfie... HAHA! This is from our Dallas trip a few weeks ago!)
So thats a SUPER breif biography about the two of us. There's so so much more about our hectic schedules and our creative minds that you'll just have to find out by following us! There's too many fresh ideas and fun adventures we have planned for our Photography Business to list!
We are so thankful for the support, love and friendships we gain out of being photographers. We've never left a shoot without making new friends, and that won't be changing any time soon!
So, thanks for following! You won't be disappointed!
Happy Wednesday!
Happy Hump Day!