Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Courtney | Tyler {Engagements}

Hello everyone!

Whew! We have been running RAGGED here at the Shingleur Residence. I don't think we've ever been this busy in our lives. It's a good kind of busy though. :D

Speaking of busy, these two precious people are busy, busy too! I'm so thankful that they were flexible enough though to have to work around the weather, not once, not twice but THREE times! Haha.

Courtney and Tyler are high school sweethearts, and they are definitely that: sweethearts! They are two of the kindest, most beautiful people you will ever met. Lance and I have watched them grow up since they are both from our little town, and we couldn't be more excited to be a part of their big day this July.

I asked Courtney to share their love story with us, and especially their proposal story.  If you are like 85% of most women who cry about proposals, then get your tissues ready. This one is so incredibly sweet:

"At only 15 I never thought the boy I shared my first kiss with would end up being my soul mate. At such a young age, the boyfriend-girlfriend thing ended shortly. We were always in the same group of friends throughout school and the feelings never did really fade. A little over a year later, Tyler asked me out on our first date and we’ve been together ever since! Tyler is quite the romantic, but I never could have dreamed of a more perfect proposal. My mom was supposedly taking me to dinner but then we arrived at the pond where Tyler and I shared our first kiss. Tyler had an old picnic table decorated with burlap, mason jars, flowers, and a picture of us. Mom walked around behind the table & lifted a sign that said “We have a surprise!” I immediately burst into tears! All the way around the pond was a path for me to follow lined with luminaries. The first person I met on the path was my best friend, holding a sign saying “A best friend’s blessing.” All I could do was cry & ask if this was real! Next was my soon to be sister-in-law, whose sign said “Finally a Sister” which really brought on the tears. My little sister was next holding a mirror and a sign saying “Last minute make-up check.” She handed me a pack of tissues & a piece of gum. Next was my soon to be mother-in-law with a sign that said “You’re the One” and last was my dad holding a sign saying “I said Yes.” Finally at the end of the trail was my sweetheart under an arch lit with Mason jar lanterns, under which he said the sweetest words and proposed down on a knee. It was perfect and the lights and snow made it absolutely beautiful. I had always hoped and prayed for a Godly man that loved me unconditionally and wasn’t afraid to show it and that’s exactly what I got. Some say love is a war and relationships are difficult, but I can honestly say that being with Tyler has always been easy and we are truly better together. We’ve experienced major life changes growing up over the last 4 years, but our relationship has only grown stronger. I’m one of the few lucky ones that can say I’m still madly in love with my high-school sweetheart and I get the privilege of spending the rest of my life with my best friend." 

Ok, now go ahead and blow your nose and clear your eyes to see this adorable couple's fantastic picnic-styled esesh, COMPLETE with a two seater bicycle.By the way, the first location is at the Cliff and Stream pond where Tyler proposed. #meltyourheart

But first, let me take a selfie! haha 

 Courtney, you are gorgeous!


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