Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Sneak Peeks and Turn Around Time

Hey everyone!

You can probably go to our Facebook page and our Instagram and see the words 'sneak peek' all over the place and think "What in the world are these?!" Here's what it is: its a preview. It's a little looking into a whole session! Typically, we will leave a session and I will immediately dump my cards onto my computer and do all the file saving and crazy stuff, then go through their whole session and pick a few that are my favorite! Ill edit one or two of them and post to Facebook!

"We think its super important for you to see what you're paying for quickly!"

A lot of photographers do not do this. To some photographers, a sneak peek happens about a week-or-so later and by that time you're probably ready to see you WHOLE collection! We understand that professional photography services aren't cheap, so we take it seriously and responsibly and give you what you asked for promptly - even if it is just a quick sneak peek! So, in a nut shell, we post sneak peeks of every session on the day it happened or the morning after (at the latest) because you deserve it! You probably put a lot of work into picking out outfits, getting props together, picking the perfect location, and more and it's the least we could do to show you YOU.

(Sneak peek posted to FB from Janey and Jacob's gorgeous Wedding!)

Also, another thing that's super-dooper important to us is our turn-around time. In the same aspect that you should see your images on Facebook in a timely manner, you should also get your whole collection in a timely manner! 

"Two weeks tops... that's our turn around time! Again, because you deserve it!"

We aren't about taking pictures and letting our editing desk get piled up. We like to stay caught up even if it means working super late. We rarely ever ever go over two weeks, and if we do it's probably in a crazy time of year we call 'busy season'... which, in all reality, is all year long.

 I urge you to ask a photographer their turn around time before booking with them. You shouldn't have to wait to get your  professional images back. A full-time photographer probably sits at their desk all day, might stop desk work for a photoshoot or two, and should make time to tend to his/her paying customers in a timely manner. There have been times that we are so caught up that we can get sessions out on the NEXT DAY. Everyone stop and say 'WOW" because thats a super rare occasion! 

(Sneek peek posted to FB from Shelby and Jordan's jaw-dropping Harrison Wedding!)

Maybe we are a little obsessive about getting sneak peeks up and keeping our turn around time quick and speedy, but hey, it's what makes us stand out a little more... and I'm totally fine with that! 

Happy Wednesday!

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